A primary school in Headington has held an exhibition showcasing artwork by every pupil as part of their latest curriculum project.

The event at Wood Farm Primary School allowed parents, carers, school governors and other classes to appreciate the art.

The pupils have been focusing on art and design this term, producing work inspired by artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Hannah Hoch.

One year group who crafted landscapes based on the Lye Valley Nature Reserve following a visit.

Assistant headteacher Anna Neal, who organised the exhibition, said: "It is so powerful for children to see their work displayed, and for them to enjoy seeing other people appreciate what they have created.

"There was so much awe and pride from the children as they showed visitors their work.

"They also really enjoyed seeing what all the other children had done – younger children could see what the older children have achieved, and older children loved looking at the youngest children’s sculptures."

Visitors were able to view the exhibit, set up in the school hall, throughout the afternoon.

Ms Neal added: "One of our school’s core values is beauty.

"We want all our children to have the chance to create and share beautiful work in school.

"Art is very important to us - we want children to appreciate the work of great artists and to be able to express themselves through their own artwork."