What an odd lot these anti-hunt folk are.

David Youd makes a valid point about foxes taking his poultry - Bea Bradley fails to respond. But as per the old saying: 'The truth hurts'.

Now (Oxford Mail, July 12), Peter Bunce, of Haddenham, admits he uses humane traps for mice. These traps mean they are caught alive and released somewhere else.

Last year, for the first time in 47 years, I had mice in my shed.

Being the evil murderer I am, I killed them. Likewise bluebottles, ants, blackfly, greenfly, slugs and snails.

From reading Mr Bunce's letter, I will change my ways and use humane traps, then I will have to release them alive - but where? I know, I will take them to Haddenham!

Please note, my mice died happily, traps baited with bacon or milk chocolate.

ROGER TUCKER Kingsway Drive Kidlington