The towpath to Iffley Lock is dangerous for pedestrians.

This statement is based on my experience and that of many I have questioned who have taken the walk along there.

Most have been visitors. Residents of Oxford are aware of the problem and stay away.

The danger is from cyclists, usually young men, who travel at speed singly or in groups.

They weave in and out without any warning and one's first awareness is of a cyclist at speed rushing past.

The effect is alarming, particularly for the elderly.

I have been knocked down on two occasions this summer, once near the bank on a narrow stretch of the path.

I have complained to the police, the Town Hall, County Hall and the Environment Agency.

They all deny responsibility for supervision of the walk.

A serious accident is waiting to occur when, presumably, the warning bells will ring, perhaps too late.

BEN COHEN Endsleigh Court Upper Woburn Place London