Plans for a waste incinerator in Sutton Courtenay will be submitted to Vale of White Horse District Council next week.

Residents have a chance to view the proposals at a public display on Thursday and Friday, from 2pm until 8pm, at Sutton Courtenay Village Hall, in Hobbyhorse Lane. Experts will be on hand to answer any questions.

Oxfordshire County Council wants an incinerator capable of burning at least 300,000 tonnes of waste each year.

Spanish-owned Waste Recycling Group (WRG), which operates the landfill site in Sutton Courtenay, is on the shortlist of just two companies.

The other is Viridor, which runs the other major landfill site in Oxfordshire at Ardley, near Bicester.

A decision is due early next year as to which company will win the £100 million bid.

The Sutton Courtenay application for a facility includes plans for an incinerator bottom ash recycling plant, air pollution control residue landfill and visitor and office accommodation.

WRG officer Bob Wilson said: "We are pleased to be moving forward with our planning application for the plant in tandem with our final submission for the Oxfordshire bid.

"The public exhibition this week will give local people the chance to see the detailed work that has gone into the planning application."

Once the application has been registered, the county council will then undertake its own consultation.

If the proposal is given the go ahead, construction could begin next spring and will be fully operational by 2012.