Many grass verges around Didcot resemble the Somme battlefields, made up of deep holes filled with mud that have been churned up by inconsiderate car drivers, who couldn't give a damn about the appearance of the streets in which they live.

With others, I look after the grass verges outside my house and that of my immediate neighbour, relaying pieces of new turf where needed, seeding, cutting, weeding and trimming the edges.

However, a few days ago, someone on a quad bike who, I assume, was employed by the Highways Agency or the council, and who probably thought he was some sort of super hero, came flying round the corner and went charging up the street, like a Hell's Angel on speed, spraying something on to the weeds growing where the road meets the kerb.

Not only did this spray, which I assume was a herbicide, kill all the weeds, it left a one-foot strip of dead grass outside my house and halfway up the street.

May I suggest one of two things - either employ someone with intelligence and training who can do the job properly, or use a chemical that does not kill grass.

These preparations are cheap, safe and easily found. To rectify the damage will require 18 rolls of new turf at about four quid a pop, plus half a day's labour at, let's say, £100 which makes a grand total of some £172.

Could someone, who is responsible for this debacle, please arrange for this sum to be deducted from my council tax, and offer an apology?

Will anyone own up to being responsible for this shoddy job? I'm not holding my breath. This country gets worse by the day, Heaven help us all.