It appears that several Cabinet ministers are two faced - they are pretending to side with local campaigns against the closure of local post offices and, at the same time, voting in Parliament for the closures.

How many other MPs have done the same?

How many of them are yes men and women? Are they not there to represent the views of the people who elected them?

They are too interested in their expenses and the enormous allowances for their second homes to worry about the likes of us. Shame on them!

Oh well, what goes around, comes around, so the saying goes.

So just remember who has done what, come election time, and get rid of them whichever party they represent.

Not that it matters who gets in, with Brussels governing us.

Does anyone know who these people in Brussels are? Perhaps we should have an European election and put them off hire also.

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford