POLICE swooped to close down a brothel operating yards from an Oxford primary school as part of a clampdown on the city's sex trade.

About 20 officers raided the house in Marston Road, near News Marston Pre-School and St Michael's CofE Primary School, at noon yesterday.

Inside, according to PC Jon Shaw, they found five women working and two male customers.

Two of the women have since been arrested on suspicion of keeping a brothel.

Sue Grundy, headteacher of St Michael's, was pleased police had taken action.

She said: "It is obviously something that is highly inappropriate and is a concern for the local area."

PC Shaw, neighbourhood officer for Marston, said: "The premises being so close to a school is worrying, what with children being dropped off and collected at various points of the day.

"We want people to know this will not be tolerated in Oxford."

The raid was carried out as part of Operation Pentameter, a UK-wide crackdown on the trafficking of women for the sex trade.

PC Shaw said: "The intelligence we received from a previous check was there was a woman working here of Oriental origin, although none of the girls we have found here are working under duress and all of them are from the UK."

Both of the male customers had their details noted by police, but were not arrested.

Neighbours living next to the brothel, which advertised itself as a relaxing massage parlour called Venus, were pleased police had shut it down.

Bernard Turner, 67, of Marston Road, said: "This is a nice area and we never get any trouble round. A brothel was the last thing we wanted.

"It is good to see the police taking a strong stance."

Raj Singh, who runs the New Marston Stores, said: "I have heard a few things from people coming into the shop who talk about it sometimes.

"This sort of thing is not good for the area, especially with the school so close and all the kids around. It's terrible."

The raid follows on from earlier raids on houses in Middle Way, Summertown, in December, and All Saints Road, in Headington, in February.

PC Shaw said: "We are constantly gathering intelligence in this area so if any one has information or suspects there is a brothel operating near to them, then I would urge them to contact us immediately."

Call PC Shaw via 08458 505505 or email marstonnorthway@thamesvalleypolice.pnn.police.uk