What will you be doing this evening? You could be helping a young person achieve their potential through the St John Ambulance youth programme if you became a volunteer.

There are St John Ambulance groups for young people all round Oxfordshire and half of the members are aged under 18, with the Badgers for five to ten-year-olds, and Cadets for ages ten to 18.

Jo Gardner, a volunteer from Kidlington, has been a Cadet Leader for five years.

"I came back to the area after university and was asked by a friend to help out at Cadets for a few weeks. I enjoyed it so much, I never left," said Jo.

The Cadets meet each week to learn about subjects ranging from fire prevention to DIY, from drugs education to photography. They also have a regular programme of competitions, camps and sports days.

Jo now leads a group of 29 Cadets and has a group of five regular voluntary assistant leaders, plus others who help.

By participating in different subjects, the Cadets then gain certificates. When they complete 24 subjects, they are awarded the Grand Prior Award.

Seventeen-year-old Louise, who achieved the Grand Prior Award last year, said: "By working gradually through St John Ambulance Cadets my confidence has increased. Now I'm proud to teach the membership award to the younger ones, because if I can deal with a group of loud and talkative ten-year-olds, I think I can deal with anything."

Training for leaders takes place over a weekend, and they are then supported by an experienced leader as they settle in. Leaders are provided with a syllabus including a guide to subjects and activities.

"The programme was specially designed for St John Ambulance and it's so popular that many of our youth groups are full. We could offer even more places to young people if we could find some more volunteers to help," said Jo.

The majority of St John Ambulance youth leaders specialise in youth work. They are not required to go on first-aid duties and they don't have to wear uniform.

Jo said: "It's such fun working with young people - hard work, but very rewarding. Seeing them change for the better, gaining self-confidence and do things they thought they would never be able to do."

St John Ambulance needs motivated volunteers to deliver the youth programme. Acceptance is subject to references and an enhanced-level Criminal Records Bureau check and full training is provided.

To find out more about volunteering with St John Ambulance, call 01865 378228 or email recruitment@oxfordshire.sja.org.uk