DOBERMANS may not be the pet of choice for most animal-loving girls, but Hollie Kavanagh adores them so much she is showing five at this year's Crufts.

The 13-year-old, who is based at Archway Kennels in Garsington, is taking the trip to Birmingham for the sixth successive year, although this year she is really under the spotlight.

She is to be the subject of a BBC documentary and on Sunday presenter Ben Fogle will interview her about how her dogs perform in the cauldron of arguably the world's greatest dog competition.

The dogs featuring in the programme are Simba, 12, Seamus, three, two-year-old Dermut and 11-month-old Kia and Kara Hollie, who attends Wheatley Park School, said she loved her Dobermans because they had great personalities and she was really excited about the weekend.

She said: "It's really nerve-racking because the days are going really slowly now.

"I don't really know how I'll do. I think everybody has got an equal chance on the day."

Her mother June Caffel, who has worked with Dobermans for 20 years, said they were energetic dogs, often painted in a bad light.

She added: "They are not dangerous dogs, although any dog is dangerous in the wrong hands.

"Dobermans have real character.

"They do everything at 120 miles an hour, nothing is done gently or quietly.

"Everything is done at speed."

She explained that her daughter had shown an interest in training from an early age.

Hollie had success at a European dog show in Belgium last year.

Ms Caffel said: "It was my interest and she decided when she was about seven that she wanted to do what her mum did.

"She's always messing around with the dogs and going to shows on the weekend."

Hollie's dog will compete in the Young Kennel Club Handling and Stakes Finals tomorrow and the National Handling Finals for England on Sunday.

Hollie has twice won the YKC Handling Finals and twice come runner-up.