A free seminar is being staged for business people who like the idea of home working but are unsure how to go about it.

Many businesses are exploring the best way to employ remote and home workers.

There are clear advantages such as cost, helping flexible working and boosting the environment.

But what is the best way to manage people you do not see on a daily basis and is your technology clever enough to maintain effective and secure communications?

The seminar will look at how a business can get the best from staff when away from the office.

It will also educate on effective IT communications and excamine the long-term future of remote working.

Nicola Strong of Strong Enterprises and Dr Malcolm Newdick of MD of Riverbank IT Management will present at the seminar.

The event will take place at Manches, Oxford Business Park on Tuesday 11th March from 7.30-9.30am. Breakfast will be provided.

To book call 0845 600 9 006.