Youth leaders are calling for a new-look centre for more than 2,000 young people who are set to lose their premises.

The Sweatbox Youth Club, held at King Alfred's Community and Sports College in Wantage, is set to close as part of major changes at the school.

The school, which is split between three campuses, is selling off its East site - leaving the club's 2,400 members without a home.

Calls have also gone out for a club, also catering for people from neighbouring Grove.

Gary Kingett, 49, area youth worker for Wantage, Grove and Faringdon, said young people needed a new facility for the 21st century.

He said: "It would be a youth venue for music and performing arts and it would act as a central hub for all youth organisations, but it would also be a place where young people can have access to support services, such as counselling, contraception, drugs support and education.

"But primarily it would be a social hub for young people.

"If you ask young people in the street what they want, they generally all say, 'just somewhere to go'."

Mr Kingett would like to see the venue located between Wantage and Grove - possibly on the site of the proposed Grove airfield housing development He said: "We have been speaking to the county council and meeting developers of the site. So far the ideas have been well received.

"There should be more co-operation between Wantage and Grove to get services both communities need, rather than trying to duplicate them."

John Mitchell, assistant to the director for children, young people and families at Oxfordshire County Council, said youth facilities in Wantage and Grove were under discussion as part of overall developments in the area.

He said: "The council is currently assembling a strategic development plan for King Alfred's Community and Sports College and this will be completed in the summer.

"As the youth centre is currently located on the college site, the plan will naturally include provision of youth facilities in the area.

"It would not have made sense to set aside money at this early stage in the developments before strategic plans have been developed for Wantage and Grove, but we are very clear about the need for provision of youth facilities in the area."

Zoe Patrick, county councillor for Grove, said she was disappointed the council had not provided funds for youth facilities in Grove in this year's budget.

District councillor Jenny Hannaby, responsible for leisure and sports development, met young people to talk about future facilities. She said: "We need to push their campaign right into the limelight to ensure they get the support they need."