Dramatic video footage of the dangers of a Christmas tree igniting in your home have been released by the fire service.

The Fire and Rescue Service has released the images to show the speed of what can happen if your tree was accidentally set on fire.

The footage shows a real tree which has been in a dry warm home for several days catching fire and within 10 seconds the whole of the room is completely engulfed in fire - 47 seconds later the screen goes blank as the room is totally enveloped in smoke and flames. Even if a person was awake in the room they probably would not have been able to escape.

A fire servcie spokesman said: "Before placing lights on your tree make sure the wiring has been checked for splits, don't take any chances, replace damaged sets with new ones with the CE or BS kitemark also making sure they are fitted with the right fuse.

"Always switch them off and unplug them when you go to bed or leave the house. Never put candles or any source of flames on or near your tree and make sure that presents placed under the tree are kept well away from anything which could ignite the wrapping paper.

"But most importantly of all make sure you test your smoke alarm and if you haven't already got one why not buy one as stocking filler - and make sure you have one properly fitted on each level of your home."