A TOWN council has relaunched a bid to redraw its parish boundaries.

Wallingford wants to change the boundary between the town and neighbouring parishes so it can benefit if up to 1,000 new homes are built on its edge.

The town council wants the town's bypass to become its boundary. Two large areas on which housing could be built would then be within the town's boundary rather than in neighbouring parishes.

Members backed a request by town clerk Andrew Rogers to form a working party to look at proposals before district council officers meet the town council to talk about the proposals on January 21.

Mr Rogers said: "If 800 to 1,000 houses are to be built on the Wallingford side of the bypass the people will obviously look to Wallingford for all their services.

"We really should get the revenue from those new houses and that is why we want our boundary to be the bypass."

Comments on the plan have to be with the district council by February 1.

But the town council is asking for that date to be extended so that its members can discuss the issue again after the meeting with officers.

Both Cholsey and Brightwell-cum-Sotwell parishes, in whose areas the two sites lie, have resisted Wallingford's hoped-for boundary changes.