Sir - So Commonwealth citizens are now officially rated third-class. The Government's latest proposals, reducing the duration of tourist visas from six months to three for non-EU and thus Commonwealth citizens, dismay those of us who have relatives or close friends in the Commonwealth.

The proposals will have no effect on those who intend to overstay their welcome, as they will still be able to gain entry. A £1000 bond will not discourage those who are already prepared to pay people traffickers many thousands to bring them here.

Would-be terrorists from outside this country may still come as asylum-seekers, or take advantage of the lax immigration procedures in many of the other 26 countries of the EU, some of which have regular amnesties for illegal immigrants.

This message of hate from our Government towards those with whom we have close ties and have stood by this country in our times of need comes particularly inappropriately at what is supposed to be a season of goodwill.

While this may be yet another example of Government incompetence, which could and hopefully will be reversed, it is unlikely to be perceived as such by Commonwealth members.

As a first step to improve immigration control, it might help immigration officers if they could read passports from countries more advanced than Britain such as Malaysia, that use electronic chips to monitor their holders' movements.

Mr Bean has not provided a happy Christmas this year.

Andrew M.Pritchard, North Hinksey