A SHED on wheels has broken its own land speed record after it hit more than 100mph on a Welsh beach.

The motorised shed, driven by Oxfordshire owner and creator Kevin Nicks, took part in the Straightliners "Top Speed" event on Pendine Sands, Carmarthenshire, South Wales, on Saturday.

Mr Nicks, who is from Chipping Norton and created the shed, first tested it on Pendine Sands in 2017 when he reached a top speed of 80mph.

However he decided he wanted to top that and spent the winter months replacing the engine with a 450 horsepower twin turbo engine - and on Saturday he reached a top speed of 101.046mph.

He said of the feat: "It is unbelievably fast.

"I have more than doubled the power, and this is where aerodynamics and physics and all that nonsense comes into it. 

"I have more than doubled the power just to do an extra 21mph."

Oxford Mail:

He added he was "over the moon" because to put the souped-up engine in "consumed my life this winter".

Mr Nicks said driving the shed on the motorway was "just so much fun" and that he would be taking part in another Straightliners event in York next week.

He added: "It is humbling and rewarding for me to make so many people smile."

The beach was first used for a world land speed record 94 years ago by Sir Malcolm Campbell in his Sunbeam 350HP car Blue Bird.

On September 25 1924, Sir Malcolm set the record at 146.16 mph before breaking it the following year when he reached 150.75mph in his distinctive-coloured car.