WORK is progressing on a project to produce a vision for an Oxford community.

Residents have been thanked for filling in surveys offering their initial thoughts on what should be included in the Littlemore Neighbourhood Plan.

A steering group led by councillors is putting together the plan, to help shape the area’s future.

The group wrote in the most recent edition of the Littlemore Local newsletter: “ Over the next month the steering group will start to analyse the returns and work further towards developing a neighbourhood plan for Littlemore.

“The next consultation event will come in the form of an art, photograph and 3D sculpture competition to depict the past, present and future of Littlemore.”

Details of the competition will be published in the next edition of the same newsletter, which comes out in December.

The plan will be a document setting out preferences for development such as housing, transport and facilities.

In August the Oxford Mail reported the neighbourhood plan group had sent out surveys to 4,000 residents, encouraging them to answer 10 questions.

Decision-makers must consider neighbourhood plans when planning developments.