WITH a month to go before a sea of pink descends on University Parks, organisers of a charity run hope to get some last minute sign ups.

On Sunday, July 9 at 10am hundreds of women and girls will be at the start line of the 5k Race for Life.

But to make it bigger and better than previous years, Cancer Research UK hopes to beat the 2,000 person target for this year’s race.

Kelly Rumble, senior area and event marketing manager, said: “We are just a few weeks away from the big day and lots more to recruit to reach our targets.

“We are also looking to get more volunteers on board to help out on the day, and this includes men and women.

“We still need to bear cancer and the fundraising from these events make a significant impact towards the lifesaving research into all 200 types of cancer.

“Come on Oxford.”

For those feeling brave enough and want an extra challenge there is also a 10k course on the day.

Later on in the year, in September, the charity will be returning to the city for its Pretty Muddy 5k event on September 16.

This will be held in South Park and will see participants try and navigate through a muddy obstacle course.

For more information, to volunteer, to donate or sign up for the events, visit: raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org