TWO men escaped with "several hundred pounds" from a bookmakers in Rose Hill after threatening staff with a samurai sword.

The men entered the Ladbrokes betting shop at 9pm on Monday and threatened staff and customers with the Japanese sword.

One of the men stood at the door standing guard as the other leapt over the counter and rifled through the tills.

At the time of the robbery there were six members of the public in the shop and two male members of staff.

Ladbrokes spokesman David Williams said: "This was a particularly aggressive robbery and it is a blessing none of the staff or customers were hurt.

"We have CCTV footage in the shop which we will hand over to the police for them to look at."

Ladbrokes said it would not be revealing the exact amount stolen.

One of the robbers was described by police as 6ft tall and of large build.

He was wearing a hooded jacket and had his face covered.

The other was 5ft 8ins tall, of medium build and was wearing a hooded top with a dark balaclava and blue tracksuit bottoms.

Police said they believed both men were black.

Det Insp Simon Morton, who is leading the investigation, said: "We believe the men left on foot and witnesses may have seen them running from the area."

Anyone with information is urged to contact Det Insp Morton on 08458 505 505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.