I fell asleep while watching TV and woke to find I had missed my programme and that Big Brother was showing.

I did not watch it for long before changing programmes.

However, what I found interesting - after all the controversy I read in the newspapers about Jane Goody being evicted due to her racist remarks - was that in the few minutes I watched the programme, words of blasphemy were to be heard many times. Yet no-one was evicted for that offence!

As a Christian, I feel that using my God's name as a swear word is just as offensive and distasteful as racism, as I am sure followers of other faiths would also feel if their God's name were used as a curse or swear word.

Sadly, there are very few films or dramas that one can watch nowadays which do not have some form of Christian blasphemous dialogue in them.

I guess I have to remember Christ's words on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".

But sometimes, it's hard.

Pamela Webber Bullingdon Road Oxford