CARNIVAL lovers will get quizzical when St Valentine drops into an East Oxford bar this Sunday.

Heart-shaped balloons are set to take over The Bullingdon for a lovers-inspired quiz that will raise cash for Cowley Road Carnival on July 10.

Residents are being called on to ditch the romantic dinner and join the fundraiser at the Cowley Road venue from 7.30pm.

Organiser Katie Herring said: “It’s essential we raise money so that carnival can happen. It’s also a way of bringing the community together in advance to get that carnival spirit up and running.”

Cowley Road Works volunteers coordinator Miss Herring has called on friends from across the city to cook up questions for the quiz, which will help the team towards its £133,000 target.

The quiz will include a movie round devised by the Ultimate Picture Palace, a music round created by the Truck Store, a general knowledge round by Daily Info Oxford and a news round by the Oxford Mail.

Freelance photographer Marc West, who snaps pictures for the Oxford Mail, will be popping the big questions as the quizmaster.

Prizes will be up for grabs during the quiz and for residents playing the event’s wheel of fortune.

Tickets are £3 on the night.