STUDENTS of the Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford movement have lambasted Oriel College, saying it "sold out" after the institution backed down on its promise to debate the future of the Cecil Rhodes statue.

The "outrageous, dishonest and cynical" announcement from the College last week, confirming the statue of colonialist Cecil Rhodes would remain on High Street as would the plaque dedicated to him in King Edward Street, has ignited a fresh wave of demands from the student campaigners. 

Speaking at a press conference today, second year Economics and Management student, Andre Dallas, said his parents had to force him to come to Oxford because he didn't want to face stigma for being a British BEM (Black and ethnic minority) student.

He said: "Put simply, Oriel sold out.

"It sold out when Cecil Rhodes first poured his blood money into the College.

"And it sold out again when it decided that the voices of wealthy alumni were more important than the voices of the students committed to their direction, protection and care.

"Oriel has proven that historical context can be bought and sold, rather than discussed, debated and changed."

Mr Dallas said the group would have preferred to have lost the debate, if it was decided the statue would stay after the college's six-month consultation. 

Sarah Atayero, a third year experimental psychology student, said: "We will not be deterred by these lazy, sweeping statements.

"We are not backing down and we will be redoubling our efforts to take the struggle to the University as a whole.

"We continue to believe that the removal and relocation of the monument to Cecil Rhodes is critical for Oxford to reckon with its past, and for Oxford to acknowledge the present-day issues it faces around racsism and representations."

Ms Atayero said the movement has drafted up a new list of demands, which they will continue to develop:

  1. We want an apology and increased scholarships for black students from Southern Africa
  2. We want removal and rehousing statues and portraits and the renaming of buildings
  3. We want a decolonised curriculum, studying different systems of knowledge and explore work of people who deviate from white Western canon
  4. We want representation for people of colour at all levels of the university
  5. We want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus
  6. We want a specific sabbatical position for Race at the Oxford University Students Union and paid Tutor for Race positions at both college and university level
  7. We want the University and all related bodies to cease public smear campaigns and private intimidation of our movement and our members


Students will be holding a general assembly later this week to discuss the next steps of the campaign.

A spokesman for the University of Oxford said: ": “The University is engaged in constructive and productive dialogue with students on a range of equality and diversity issues and welcomes their active engagement.

"Last Friday, we re-extended our invitation to Rhodes Must Fall to join other students in this effort to achieve an ever-more inclusive university community.

"In particular, we wish to discuss the need to address the under-representation of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students at the University; the on-going process of curriculum development and the welfare provision for BME students.

"We hope they will accept this opportunity.”