THERE is probably not one person on this earth who has not been touched by cancer in some way.

Whether it’s a scare you’ve had yourself, losing a loved one or helping a friend battle the disease, cancer is one of those illnesses that seems to be ever present.

It’s one of the biggest killers out there and we should continue to support research into prevention, diagnosis and treatment as much as we can. We are honoured here in Oxford to be home to some world-leading research into tackling the disease.

The 100,000 Genomes Project is an incredible and ambitious study.

That doctors should be able to pin-point the most effective treatments means people could be living longer and have fewer of the horrific side-effects that can come with treatment.

Such scientific and medical advances would have been unthinkable 20 years ago, which shows how far we’ve come and how much further we could yet go.

But these advances are not just the product of twinkling test tubes and whirring computers locked away in white labs. It’s the combined effort of all of us.

With continued fundraisers and by supporting centres we will beat cancer – with Oxford leading the battle when we do.

See the full story here