I LIVE close to the Cutteslowe roundabout and have had a bird’s eye view of events since these poorly planned excavations for so-called improvements started.

I assume that whoever is responsible for this shambles, when dressing each morning, does both of their shoes up at the same time?

That’s the situation we now find ourselves in with both arterial routes being ripped apart at the same time, rather than in a more sensible one at a time operation, like when I tie my own.

However, drivers are contributing to their own woes by not being sensible. Rather than filling both lanes to the pinch point and then merging in turn, lane one seems to be occupied from 600 yards to the works, with a usable lane two being left vacant, causing unnecessary congestion.

Perhaps the highways authority could add signage “Use both lanes - Merge in turn” to help things along a little bit? As would suspending the bus lane on Banbury Road from Harefields to the roundabout, and adding the above signage as suggested?

At £75k a year plus, you’d think those running this circus would at least have listed common sense as part of their CV when applying for the job and then cared for us countywide by actually applying a smidgen. Just a thought.

David Walter Close, Oxford