CAR parking charges (June 11) in the city made by Oxfordshire County Council are bound to rise given the substantial cuts already made to the grants it receives and the threat of further cuts under the current Government.

Clearly, it is also better if people coming into Oxford do use park and ride sites given serious traffic congestion in the city centre.

However, the assumption made by businesses that raising charges will automatically reduce sales is open to question. Other factors may be at work.

Increasing internet shopping may also reduce sales; declining incomes in low paid groups may reduce sales.

But there is evidence that physically active cities with a large amount of walking and cycling tend to be more economically successful and their workforces tend to be more productive as well.

We should note that Oxford is second only to Cambridge for cycling in the UK.

Specifically, research shows that for every £1 of investment in walking, cycling and public transport, there is a return of £13 to the local economy.

In short, the benefits of investment in these areas include more trade for local shops, less traffic congestion and reduced pollution.

Also, workers are more productive as well, taking on average a week less off work per year.

Perhaps local businesses would like to campaign for the types of investment that really do seem most likely to strengthen their sales?

Treasurer, Oxfordshire Green Party Bulan Road, Oxford