THERE have been a few letters recently about The Ampleforth Arms, Risinghurst.

It is a pity that your photographer was unable to attend our community fete on Sunday when approximately 1,400 local residents turned up and enjoyed family picnics with grandparents, parents and their children at a traditional fete with something for everyone.

We on Risinghurst all care for each other and for our residents.

And the Ampleforth building is part of our heritage, the inside timber having been taken from Ampleforth Abbey in Yorkshire.

It should not be pulled down but used as a community facility in some way if at all possible, but I am afraid that we are not millionaires living up here!

We will fight on with the determination that achieved a wonderful day on Sunday.

Sincere thanks should go to all the local members of the organising committee who all helped to make the day possible.

These residents were Mary and Tony Mault, Valerie Wells, Julia Kidd, Margaret and Derek Taylor, David Naylor, Peter Jacques, Angela Fensom and John Woodley.

And there were all the local businesses who gave us their support.

Thanks to you all. See you next year.

We believe that communities should thrive, and this venture proved it.

The Ampleforth name and the building should stay here.

Chairwoman, Risinghurst & Sandhills Community Fete Committee
Ringwood Road