You are right that the housing crisis in Oxford has long been a disgrace (Oxford Mail, April 2). However I don't agree that there aren't any solutions.

I'm the man charged with the unenviable task of improving the situation. It is true that I inherited a mess, but some progress is being made.

For example, the time taken to repair empty properties and let them has been cut from 21 weeks in October, 2004 to an average of four weeks.

We have finally moved forward plans to develop garage sites, which will provide more affordable housing. The Rose Hill Orlits project is finally on the move, with a developer recently appointed after years of delays.

We have also argued for a review of the Green Belt.

The Green Belt is important for environmental and social reasons. In order to protect it, we need to adapt this man-made policy to serve, rather than constrain, the city, as it has done before.

Of course, we can't be complacent and need to improve the speed of progress.

I and my colleagues are aware of the magnitude of this problem - and have the guts to get on with the work.

PATRICK MURRAY (Councillor), Lib Dem Portfolio Holder for Improving Housing Barton and Sandhills ward, Oxford City Council