VOLUNTEERS at the Hill End Centre near Oxford are looking forward to tidy greens this summer after winning a grant for a new lawnmower.

The Friends of Hill End Volunteer Team were lucky enough to receive £500 from Skipton Building Society to help the community.

The cash covers almost all of the cost of a new Toro lawnmower that will be used to cut grass in public areas around the parish.

Hill End land management manager David Millin said: “There was a vote on the Skipton Building Society website. We were one of the lucky ones who won.”

“We will be teaching the volunteers and trainees how to us it.

“It is great to be able to use it in the good weather, although I am dreading the bad weather coming.

“The Forest Tots were here on Tuesday and the children who come along will notice we have been cutting the grass.

“They will see the difference.”

The centre off Eynsham Road, Farmoor, runs Forest Tots sessions for children to explore the outdoors and learn about nature.

They run every Tuesday during school term-time from 10am to midday.

To find out more visit hillend-oec.co.uk