Sir – Caroline Pond (Letters, April 23) provides me with a welcome opportunity to point out that cyclists are generally the quickest off the mark with complaints against other road users.

It is easier, for example, to wing off a quick letter to one’s local paper than it is to acquire the skills necessary even to gain a motorcycle licence never mind to navigate one and survive the frenzy of Oxford cyclists without suffering or causing an accident.

Some, I admit, are noisy, but at least you can hear them coming, unlike the young woman cyclist who nearly knocked me off the pavement into the road last week. My own motorcycle is relatively quiet (in traffic, I can hear the engine of a car next to me), and I do not rev it at traffic lights because it would waste fuel. And I never ride on the pavement, nor have I ever, in 40 years in Oxford, seen another motorcyclist doing so.

Perhaps Ms Pond was frightened by a motorcycle as a child? Or does she simply not realise that it takes an awful lot of motoring to support the lifestyle of even a dedicated cyclist?

Philip Cresswell