Sir – It is daft for South Oxfordshire District Council to propose building 1,350 homes on Southfield Golf Course (Report, April 16). The Core Strategy Inspector in 2011 rejected this option because housing development on such a scale would harm the unique Lye Valley SSSI, which is protected because of its rare fen habitat.

There is a much more straightforward way to acquire over 1,000 homes in Oxford and help ease Oxford’s housing shortage. Last year, the estate agents Savills published a report which stated that over 10,000 students live out in the private sector. This is 4,000 more than is permitted since city council rules state that each University is only permitted to have 3,000 students living in the community.

The council accepts the apparent false figures from both Oxford and Brookes Universities who claim that they are operating within the rules.

Resident groups have repeatedly challenged these underestimates and have requested an independent monitoring mechanism on where students live.

Proper enforcement of the planning rules will result in more homes becoming available for Oxford residents and these will be occupied by council tax-paying residents who will add at least £1.6m per annum to the council’s income.

Sietske Boeles
East Oxford