Sir – Dr Whall of the CPRE states in her letter (March 26), that all the proposed new park-and-rides would be in the Green Belt – if I am not mistaken some of the existing ones are already in the Green Belt on the edge of Oxford, so is it not better to get people into buses and out of their cars earlier and stop them causing jams round Oxford?

That is what irks everyone and any sensible plan to alleviate these jams needs careful consideration. With judicious planting in and around a park-and-ride site, the cars can soon be hidden from view. There are, according to the CPRE interactive map, in the order of 165,000 acres of Green Belt land still left largely unspoilt round Oxford and they won’t all become a car park as she seems to suggest.

The reality is there is plenty of room to accommodate five sites, of say 10 acres each or 50 acres in all. The OxfordGreen Belt covers about 26 per cent of the whole county.

I can confirm that the possible site for a park-and-ride by the A40 roundabout at Eynsham is the only site not in the Green Belt and in an ideal location midway between Witney and Oxford.

Harry St John
North Leigh