Sir – Like Veronica Hurst of the Friends of Old Headington, I don’t especially like the look of solar panels. I want to see more of them, though.

I need to check if the Friends know about the problems of relying on fossil fuels?

Because that is no doubt where the energy for those houses is going to have to come from now.

Maybe living on a hill has made them a little complacent about the plight of millions of people around the world who are increasingly being flooded out of their homes, unable to grow food and dealing with climate chaos? The city council is not perfect but I applaud their attempt to use renewable energy on this development.

I insist that they hold fast in future when a few people think that their current personal aesthetic is more important than practical, realistic moves to reduce use of fossil fuels. Those panels would have outlived me and dare I say it, probably some of the Friends as well.

Maybe the Friends could meet with the Low Carbon Rose Hill and Iffley  group, who are very excited about the solar panels going up in their part of Oxford. The Friends could also run training for those of us who don’t get the council to listen to us or act on our requests – they clearly know how it’s done.

Liz Hodgson, Oxford