Sir – Reference the article (March 12) about people parking in Risinghurst  and commuting to London. This is a growing problem for Risinghurst residents as well as the businesses on the Roundway.

I often return home, perhaps with a load of shopping in the rain, and find I cannot park outside my home.

I often see them arrive early in the morning  – commuters are easy to spot, often with suits and briefcases walking rapidly off in the direction of the nearby bus stops for London or Oxford; some arrive with bicycle strapped to the car boot or folded up inside and pedal off to Oxford or Thornhill park-and-ride.

I think they are doing nothing illegal, but it often causes inconvenience for residents.  Not the biggest problem in Oxford but I think it won’t be long before there are calls for residents’ parking, which may turn out to be the lesser of two evils.

Tim Pocock, Headington