I NOTICE with some amusement your description of strict and ambitious parents as ‘tigers’ (March 6).

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that this mindset, which could only originate in the US of A is often passed on to the poor suffering children, who are consequently pushed to the point of exhaustion and beyond.

I believe some of these parents like to show off their kids while ignoring the long-term effect of such pressure on younger people.

You neglected to mention that other insufferable stereotype that certainly inhabits Summertown – yes you’ve guessed it, The ‘Helicopter’ Parent. They cannot prevent themselves hovering around their offspring at the expense of everyone else.

These ‘Helicopters’ often inhabit The Ferry Pool and the local barbers – often pointlessly distracting the lifeguards and stylists, who are trying to concentrate and failing miserably.

Some parents need to let go a little, and give their children some space but of course they never will.

And there’s me thinking that tigers were approaching extinction – but obviously in the animal kingdom a tiger knows when the cub has reached independence.


The Waterways

North Oxford