Sir – The requirement to replace the vibration-damaged First Turn Bridge in Upper Wolvercote, Oxford - which crosses the Oxford - Bicester railway line - was not discussed at the Evergreen 3 public inquiries because it was never listed in any scheduled works for the Oxford - Bicester upgrade.

Neither has there been any normal planning process where local residents were consulted.

The first local residents and Oxford City Council knew of the bridge replacement was the sudden announcement in a small notice in this paper.

How on earth could this happen? Had local people been given the opportunity to speak, they might have pointed out that the old bridge was too narrow.  It is impossible for a car and delivery vehicle, or bus, to pass simultaneously without mounting the pavements, which is clearly dangerous considering the bridge leads to a local primary school.

It seems that the  county council bigwigs who sit on the East West Rail Board knew the bridge was going to be replaced. Residents might have suggested that its replacement be made sufficiently wide to allow modern vehicles to pass simultaneously and keep pedestrians safe.  After all, taxpayers are paying for it.

All that money will be wasted reproducing a traffic hazard because of a failure of local democracy at county level.  And commentators wonder why people are losing faith in politics and politicians.

Keith Dancey, Wolvercote