Sir – Now that the forces of thrusting modernity have triumphed over fusty heritage (Rebellion by dons over Port Meadow fails, February 12), Oxford University is free to truly move into the 21st century.

Instead of a tired stone-built dome in Radcliffe Square, the university could build a gleaming glass and concrete tower, perhaps a thousand feet tall, from whose ivory-clad viewing platform Vice-Chancellor Andrew Hamilton could look down on all plebs who favour the old.

This tower would be an upstanding symbol, a minaret for a new architectural ethos – Oxford, the pioneer of Banalism, where ‘carbuncle’ is a term of praise.

Move over Roger fuddy-Dudman Way for celebratory Carbuncle Alley! Oh yes, and Port Meadow would make a lovely car park – what use are scenery, grass, horses, dog-walkers and geese?

Anthony Cheke, Oxford