Sir – A question was raised by reader Dr Jan-Georg Deutsch, (Letters, August 14) as to how many vehicle drivers have been killed by cyclists.

None, may be true, but as a pedestrian with mobility issues my time is numbered, as in the last month cyclists riding through red lights at pedestrian crossings have almost removed me from this mortal coil and only some well-aimed shots with my walking stick has prevented the Lycra-clad assassins from killing or maiming me on half a dozen occasions.

Next time I swear the walking stick will be aimed at the front wheel spokes, especially if my small grandchildren are crossing with me.

While on the cycling subject I have raised the problem of cycle track priorities on the Botley Road with Susanna Pressel she agrees that it is very dangerous for pedestrians with small children and an accident waiting to happen, this matter was left with the highways committee several months ago, but guess what? Nothing.

Alan Coleman, Oxford