Sir – I found it extraordinary and saddening that you gave so little space (Report, July 24) to the wounding of the Oxford Brookes Gaza scholar Hassan al-Hallaq and the wholesale killing of his family in Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.

It would be invidious to indulge in comparisons with the coverage of other deaths in this week’s paper, but here is a member of one of Oxford’s universities, who lived here for a year with his family, all of whom were part of the Oxford community.

Mr al-Hallaq’s family has been annihilated, and he lies injured in hospital — yet you pay this tragedy, which brings home the human cost of the Gaza war, such scant attention, without even a photograph.

I encourage readers who would like to learn more about the young couple and their children to visit, a website that seeks to give names and faces to the increasing numbers of Palestinian dead.

Jane Caplan, Oxford