IN 1962, of the proposed chimneys at Didcot Power Station, the reaction locally was muted and presumably came as a shock. Harrold Merrit, an RDC councillor said that though it would hardly improve the amenities of Didcot, it would be better than seeing people queueing for the dole.

A week later, the council gave its approval. Harold Merritt gave these statistics: “The power station would be more powerful than Battersea, 2,000 megawatts as opposed to 1,200; it would employ 500 men, consisting of 65 technical officers, 30 clerical and about 400 manual labourers. It is hoped a decision would be heard July or September of the next year [ie 1963]. It would cost £70,000,000, take five years to build, a start being made in 1965.”

In 2014, now three of the chimneys are coming down. This really must be witnessed hopefully at 6am, not 4am, on July 27.

Newbury Road

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