HUGH Jaeger’s letter (June 30), claims raising bridges to accommodate power lines will also allow rail freight containers of 9’6” – so less HGVs on our roads, but surely there will be more local HGVs taking these larger high cube freight containers from factories and the like to the rail depots to load these huge containers on to the rail freight trucks.

Overall, the electrification process is a good idea, but sadly is way behind the times, so that the road users will suffer from the closure of bridges to allow the higher construction to go ahead.

Costs again, such as the HS2 proposed rail link, don’t seem to matter to this Government, while the NHS has to make do with what it already gets.

The cost of HS2 is far under-estimated at £58bn, as the very necessary continual maintenance of the routes and the engines will, it is estimated, take the total cost well over £100bn.

High speed travel is not needed by the general public and the cost will reflect it is built for executives and high earners.

Duncan Close

Today’s letters

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