Sir – The scene could hardly have been more idyllic: wonderful weather, the ideal setting of The Leys (often forgotten to be a memorial to those from the town who died in WWI) and an appreciative number of spectators watching an interesting game of cricket.

A mixed group of teenagers sitting on the grass between the pavilion and the sight-screen decided to move across towards the children’s playground leaving a carpet of litter, comprising of empty packets, and wrappers, etc.

A middle-aged lady among a group supporting the visiting cricket team, walked across with a bag and picked up every piece of litter which had been left by the teenagers and disposed of it in a bin.

What impression does this give to visitors to Witney? Do these youngsters not appreciate the admirable facilities available to them? What are their homes like?

Instead or perhaps in addition to an ASBO, what about a few days’ enforced litter-picking for them?

Obviously this would require paid supervision but with higher priorities such as overseas aid and second-homes for MPs, funding for this would be unlikely.

Gordon Clack, Ducklington