WELL well well! Here we go again with yet more inconsiderate decision making by our Labour city councillors.

The poor unfortunate businesses of St Clement’s are yet again made to suffer the consequences of their new price hike regarding parking at St Clement’s car park.

After having very few spaces for the past year (again due to Labour’s about-turn on planning consent) they are now informed that the car park charges are set to rise. You would have thought that after all the disruption to the local businesses that in fact the car park charges would have been reduced for six months to help with getting customers back.

Unfortunately as in most other cases this Labour council shows little apathy for the people and businesses they are supposed to represent. Ok, so we are in a time of penny pinching, but this is going a step too far. Give the businesses of St Clement’s a push in the right direction.

Who knows even a Labour councillor might agree with me on this point. I don't hold much hope on that one. Must toe the party line, what!


Marston Road,


Today’s letters

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