OXFORD Labour Councillor Scott Seamons is completely wrong when he states in his letter (June 18) that the Cherwell Planning inspector, when he adjourned the Cherwell Core Strategy/Local Plan Inquiry, advocated a reconsideration of Oxfordshire’s Green Belt.

The Planning Inspector did not advocate this as such statements are not within a planning inspector’s remit.

Cllr Seamons sits on the city council’s executive board with the housing portfolio and, given his position, should rectify this erroneous statement.

Cllr Seamons should also clarify why he thinks that an Oxfordshire Green Belt review is needed given Oxford City Council’s own recently adopted Local Plan (which runs until 2026) states that Oxford is required to build 8,000 dwellings, and that this number can be accommodated within Oxford’s administrative boundaries, making a Green Belt incursion in neighbouring districts unnecessary.

chairwoman, CPRE Oxford
Southfield Road

Today’s letters

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