Last week marked the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Many thousands of young men died for king and country. They fought Hitler to make the world a better place.

We owe them a huge debt of gratitude, many do not have a proper grave, yet I wonder how many of the younger generation really appreciate what was done for their benefit.

Many are semi-literate, work-shy, they are happy to live on benefits and to commit crimes, graffiti and senseless damage. They have no respect for the elderly – just living for drink and drugs. Even when taken to court they just get a slap on the wrist. Rob an old lady then get probation.

But if we fail to pay for a TV licence it’s a £250 fine.

I admit to being a grumpy old git but for the reasons outlined I am sure I am not alone.

Lots of youngsters do care, lead decent lives and help others but the media hardly mentions them.

R W TUCKER Kingsway Drive Kidlington Oxford

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