It is disappointing that you should feel it appropriate to publish an article by a candidate in the recent local elections which was both abusive and inaccurate.

The council’s decision to build a modern swimming pool on Pegasus Rd, adjacent to the extensive fitness and sporting facilities in Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre, was taken in a fully open and transparent way two years ago.

Oxford Mail:

  • Cllr Bob Price

The cost analysis of rebuilding Temple Cowley Pools, and the ‘best value’ comparison between that option and the construction of the new facility were published openly.

People may disagree with the decision but it is untrue to assert that the decision-making was not open, transparent and scrutinised in detail. If anyone believes that this decision was taken in ways that breached the regulations governing public accountability, it can be referred to the Auditor or Ombudsman.

It is also untrue to assert that the pool site will be ‘turned into a block of flats for Brookes students’. The site is out to tender, and is registered as a Community Asset.

We are expecting a proposal from the campaign group for a combined pool and housing development. Other developers will be offering different combinations of housing and leisure/ community uses, but Brookes will not be among them.

Mr Artwell’s most objectionable assertion is that councillors don’t listen to residents.

I have been a member of the council for over 30 years, and members from all parties have made it their duty to keep closely in touch with the residents in their wards.

Some decisions, are inevitably city-wide and councillors have to balance the views of competing interests as best they can. Having listened to the various options, a decision has to be made, and inevitably some people will not agree with it. That is the nature of democracy; as Winston Churchill said, it may be an imperfect system but it’s the best one that we have.

Cllr Bob Price Leader Oxford City Council

  • Today’s letters

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