THE head of counter fraud for Oxfam has been sent to prison for theft from Oxfam. He had a very generous salary. This causes me to ask how many other employees are getting similar salaries?

Some years ago, as a CID officer, I received information that a woman volunteer was stealing money from a charity. She lived in a rural part of the county and her taxi fares were paid by a charity. Her job was to open mail and sort out cheques, postal orders and cash.

Her sticky fingers removed a lot of the cash. As a result, she had a big house, an expensive car and foreign holidays. She was questioned, and admitted the thefts – a high five-figure sum. The charity refused to prosecute, as they did not want bad publicity. Being an old cynic, I wonder how many others helped themselves to donations? I have a genuine sympathy for those in the third world – but how many heads of banana republics have Swiss bank accounts?

Remember: charity begins at home.


Kingsway Drive


Today’s letters

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