A HOME is surely one of our basic requirements.

In the past, generations were able to rent Oxford accommodation at a reasonable standard and at an affordable price.

Now greed is the cause of our housing scandal. Private landlords accrue vast sums through high rental. They are able to purchase more properties without the need of a mortgage. This then forces up house prices because it removes private ownership housing.

People are unable to pay the high price to afford their first home.

The high demand for housing encourages landlords to alter family properties converting them into tiny flatlets. However, tenants are still expected to stump up high rents – this can lead to tenants overcrowding to spread the heavy costs.

The power that these private landlords wield mean that tenants are afraid to complain and highlight problems in the property.

Successive governments have not put any conditions to stop the ownership of multiple properties by controlling rental fees.

This grave error means (the balance a range) of different residents in our communities – the quality of life and well-being of families and their children is diminished as people struggle to afford to pay for a place to live.

ELAINE BENNETT Marston Road Oxford

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