OUR gardening club has just returned from four days in France, visiting some amazing gardens in Normandy. What struck us so forcefully as we travelled to various locations, was the complete absence of litter, not only at the motorway service areas, and road junctions, but also through villages, in hedgerows and throughout most of the larger towns.

We did see a little in a road pedestrian underpass in Rouen, but apart from that, the country looked neat and tidy. There is obvious pride which French people have in keeping their country attractive.

Oxford Mail:

Litter dumped in a ditch at the side of Botley Road

In contrast to this, we looked around the services area at which we stopped at Beaconsfield and, of course, the roads, motorways and dual carriageways themselves as we passed – the hedgerow, towns and villages where litter seems to adorn these areas.

Whatever must visitors to this country think when they come here? What a dreadful impression our country must make on them.

I was drawn to the article in your papers (April 17) where Mr Richard Butler, a rambler, expressed concerns on the way rubbish is dumped anywhere except in the bins available, people ignoring them or even going so far as to leave cans and bottles beside bins or decorating any areas in which they find themselves. It was this item which triggered this letter in response.

What is it about this country that we have no concern for where we dispose of our rubbish and whatever can we do about it?


Water Lane

Ardley with Fewcott