I WRITE regarding the appalling story of Mark Wood’s benefit cuts and his family’s praise for Oxfordshire Welfare Rights (Family of starved benefits cut man hail ‘lifeline’ group, April 4).

Many years ago as a young, childless widow I had the misfortune to end up on benefits and can honestly say it was the worst time of my life ever – DSS put me through absolute hell, to the point where my GP had to intervene.

At the drop of a hat and often with no reason, my meagre benefit of £25 a week was stopped, leaving me to rely on my savings and the £5 I earned from my little job, out of which I had to pay rent and utility bills before food/heating.

What I would have done without Welfare Rights – my salvation – I have no idea. I fully endorse Mr Wood’s family’s comments. Sadly it was too late for him.

I have pointed people in Welfare Rights’ direction myself.

Thank heavens after four years of misery I was able to dispense with benefits.

I couldn’t stand the constant hassle/checks and worry of whether my money was coming through.

God bless Welfare Rights.

DOROTHY HOLLOWAY, Wenrisc Drive, Minster Lovell