Sir – I refer to your article (March 20) concerning the proposed development in Elsfield Way, which will involve demolishing four older houses and replacing them with 22 flats, six large semi-detached houses and parking spaces for about 30 cars.

Not only does it appear that the developer intends to ignore planning guidelines by not including any affordable homes in this development, but vehicles exiting this site on to the A40 will only be able to drive eastwards.

The properties, therefore, seem likely to appeal mainly to those who work east of Oxford or to London commuters. In effect, they could eventually become Oxford homes for Londoners who can’t quite afford London prices.

Long-term residents value existing (but rapidly diminishing) small green spaces but this is of no interest to greedy developers and one wonders if they will not be satisfied until they have demolished every characterful Oxford house, uprooted every tree and concreted over every blade of grass.
We trust that the city council will not be swayed by this particular developer’s offer of £71,384, or any other inducement in exchange for planning permission.
Sue Crook, Oxford