The passing of Tony Benn marks the end of an era. He was one of the very few remaining politicians of genuine principle, holding beliefs with passion and conviction.

One could say of figures like Benn, as one could of his politically polar opposite, Margaret Thatcher, that however abhorrent one may have found some of their particular views, the courage and honesty in their fidelity to their beliefs compelled admiration.

What a contrast to the politicians of the past 15 years.

Tony Blair displayed little in the way of genuine conviction.

True, he was on to a cynically winning wicket with the crocodile tears shed over the fate of “the people’s princess”, less so with his later wish to interfere militarily with Middle Eastern countries on totally false premises.

The picture has little improved.

Cameron promised us a new “caring, compassionate Conservatism” – his Government is making life hell for the disadvantaged. He also spoke of the “greenest Government ever” – it is hell-bent on tearing apart the countryside of the Chilterns (and beyond) in the name of “economy”.

Nick Clegg has reneged on one Liberal Democrat pledge after another – for all this, his acolytes brag continually about all that the Lib-Dems have “achieved” in government.

As For Milliband, it is a case of perpetually trimming one’s sails to the most favourable wind.

Not so long ago a correspondent referred to this crowd as an “inept shower” or words to that effect. It is difficult not to agree with such a verdict.

NICHOLAS WILSON, Summerhill Road, Summertown